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Amuthas makeover

Welcome! Whether you’re looking for professional makeup services or makeup courses, you have arrived at the right place. With years of experience in the makeup industry, we make you look your best, be it your wedding day or a corporate event you need to attend. We understand that not all skin tones are similar neither facial patterns. Our makeup artists have spent years researching on different types of makeups, which types of makeups suits which occasion, skin tones, and how each makeup look on each face. Schedule a call with us today, to learn more.

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face prodect

Scrub for Body

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Most Popular Procedures

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


Breast Lift



Tummy Tuck

Eyelid surgery


Neck Lift


BOTOX Procedures


Beauty Timeline


Soleil Pricing Plans

Facial Therapy

Salt Facial Scrub $45
(45 mins)
Salt Facial Scrub $45
(45 mins)
Salt Facial Scrub $45
(45 mins)
Salt Facial Scrub $45
(45 mins)
Salt Facial Scrub $45
(45 mins)

Relaxing Therapy

Salt Facial Scrub $45
(45 mins)
Salt Facial Scrub $45
(45 mins)
Salt Facial Scrub $45
(45 mins)
Salt Facial Scrub $45
(45 mins)
Salt Facial Scrub $45
(45 mins)

Body Treatment

Salt Facial Scrub $45
(45 mins)
Salt Facial Scrub $45
(45 mins)
Salt Facial Scrub $45
(45 mins)
Salt Facial Scrub $45
(45 mins)
Salt Facial Scrub $45
(45 mins)
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Everything you need to feel healthy and beautiful

Considered discovered ye sentiments projecting entreaties of melancholy.

Popular Procedures

Breast Augmentation

Mommy Makeover

Eyelid Surgery

Skin Care Treatment

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